The Performer Life
Taking Online Dance Classes
The Dance Class
Whether you are a dancer who sings or a singer who moves, dance class is a necessity. It helps you try new styles and improve your technique so you can excel in dance auditions. In theater, everyone has to pick up some type of choreography in shows. Being in-tune with your body will make you more hirable.
Every day, New York performers flocked to studios such as Steps on Broadway and Broadway Dance Center. Classes are offered there in all styles of dance. Choreography in theater includes different styles of dance, so it is important to be well-versed in all of them. The rooms at these dance studios were constantly bustling. Sweaty dancers came in and out of various classes. The hallways were full of dancers stretching and warming up. The studios contained classes with amazing instructors leading packed classes of hard working dancers.
The Change
With the ongoing pandemic, everything halted in the theater community. However, dancers found new ways to take the ever important dance class. Through zoom and Instagram live, dancers made lemons into lemonade. Technology allows dancers from all over the world to take class together. Even though they aren’t physically together, the sense of community radiates through the computer screen.
Studios and professional dancers alike offer daily classes. Many of the classes are donation based and some are even free. Tiler Peck, a principal dancer with New York City Ballet, gives back to the dance community by offering a daily, all-levels ballet classes on her Instagram live. Generous dancers like Tiler allow everyone to keep dancing, even dancers financially affected by the pandemic.
The Advice
Even though there are downsides to not being in a studio, there are many benefits from being able to take class from the comfort of your own home. This is a great time to start taking new styles of dance. Often, it can be intimidating to take a hip-hop class if you are a ballet dancer, or a contemporary class if you are a tap dancer. Now is the time to step outside of your comfort zone. In today’s dance world, being skilled in many styles of dance will only make you a more desirable dancer. This is the perfect time to start learning a new skill!
It is also a great time for absolute beginners who have always wanted to take a dance class to start. On Zoom, you have the option to turn off your camera for increased privacy. There is truly nothing to lose!
It is a good idea to have a second device close by so you have something to record yourself with. Watching videos of yourself dancing is the best way to grow. Set up a camera before class so once you learn the combination, you are ready to record. After class, go back and look for areas of improvement. Could you have acted better at a certain part? Let go of tension in your shoulders? Be more grounded into the floor? Self-correction can be a valuable tool to continue improving when not in a typical classroom setting.
Here is a video of me I took of myself doing a combination from a jazz class I took a few weeks ago.
The At-Home Studio
Creating your dance space at home can make a huge difference when taking class. Whether you are in a studio apartment or a larger home, you can make space to dance!
Tips for Creating an At-Home Dance Studio
1. Move furniture around to create an open space to dance. The floor should be hard wood or something flat as opposed to carpet if possible.
2. Invest in a square of dance flooring. I purchased mine from this website. It is better than dancing on a slippery surface, especially in character heels or pointe shoes. If your floor is slippery, keep wet paper towels close by. Wetting the bottom of your dance shoes helps keep you from slipping.
3. If you are taking ballet classes, find a chair that is a good height to use as a makeshift ballet barre. There are also transportable ballet barres available on Amazon if it is something you want to invest in.
4. Have a sturdy table nearby. This is where you will put the device that you are streaming the class from. Make sure it is at an angle where your body can be fully visible if you are taking a zoom class and planning on turning your video on. This way, the teacher can give you corrections.
5. Keep your dance shoes nearby, either in a cubby or closet so you are prepared to dance in whatever shoes the class calls for.
Even though you might be dodging walls, lamps or furniture, having even a small place to dance is enough to continue honing your craft.
The Impact
All dancers know the importance of taking class consistently. Even though the pandemic stopped all in-person performances, dancers are continuing to prepare for their next time onstage. It might be a while, but taking class now is the way to be ready for future opportunities. Taking class has kept me motivated and optimistic during quarantine. Having the consistency of dance class is a great way for artists to take control and remember their purpose in a time when everything feels uncertain.
Have you ever wanted to take a new style of dance? What is holding you back? Do you think taking classes at home makes you more or less motivated than in-person classes? Let’s get the conversation going in the comments below!
The Links
Check out online classes for all levels at Broadway Dance Center and Steps on Broadway!